
Complete Beginner's Guide to Hugging Face LLM Tools - Unite.AI
Hugging Face is an AI research lab and hub that has built a community of scholars, researchers, and enthusiasts. In a short span of time, Hugging Face has garnered a substantial presence in the AI space. Tech giants including Google, Amazon, and Nvidia have bolstered AI startup Hugging Face with significant investments, making its valuation […]

New Open Source LLM With Zero Guardrails Rivals Google's Palm 2
Hugging Face announced Falcon 180B, the most powerful open source LLM ever. It rivals Google's Palm 2... And it has no guardrails
LLM Guard: Open-source toolkit for securing Large Language Models - Help Net Security
LLM Guard is a toolkit designed to fortify the security of Large Language Models, and it's freely available for usage with various LLMs.
US20200050707A1 - Website representation vector - Google Patents
Google patent: US20200050707A1 Website representation vector
WO2020033805A1 - Website representation vector to generate search results and classify website - Google Patents
Google parent WO2020033805A1: Website representation vector to generate search results and classify website